Welcome to QYC Boating at the Quonochontaug Yacht Club
155 West Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
website address: www.qycboating.com
email us at: qyc@qycboating.com
mail us at: 30 North Avenue, Charlestown, RI 02813
link to the QEBA site: https://qeba.wildapricot.org
QYC Membership Drive:
The QYC has open membership slots and is soliciting new members from the Quonochontaug East Beach Association (QEBA) at https://qeba.wildapricot.org. If you are a member in good standing at QEBA and would like to become a QYC full member, please complete this attached application:
Note: The child of a QYC full member in good standing who has reached the age of twenty five (25) years old shall be eligible for provisional membership. The cost for a provisional member is one half (1/2) the current full member initiation fee plus annual dues. A provisional membership shall terminate when the sponsoring full member's property is sold or the family is no longer a member in good standing of QEBA or the QYC. A provisional member is entitled to all the privileges of a full member. A provisional member must become a full member upon becoming a member in good standing of QEBA and by paying the additional current one half (1/2) initiation fee and the current annual dues. If you would like to become a QYC provisional member, please complete and return this attached application:
The QYC offers the following benefits to all members and their guests:
1) We have ample rack storage for you to keep your dinghy or kayak at the QYC from April through October.
2) If you have obtained a mooring from the Town of Charlestown, you can access your mooring by using one of the half dozen dinghies that members can use on a first-come-first-serve basis.
3) Our waterfront includes a pier with a fresh water washdown & fish cleaning station, 3 floating docks, and a boat ramp. The floating docks can accommodate three boats on a touch-and-go basis.
4) If you have a boat on a trailer, you can launch it at our boat ramp. Trailers can be left on the property overnight from April through June and from September through October. Trailers can be left on the property on a daily basis during July and August.
5) We have two moorings that members or their guests can rent for $50 per week in July and August or $25 per week during May, June, September and October.
6) You can use our newly renovated clubhouse to host events at no cost beyond a $100 refundable deposit.
QYC Mooring Rentals:
If you would like to rent one of the two QYC moorings, fill out the highlighted sections in the appropriate form below and send your check and completed form to QUONOCHONTAUG YACHT CLUB, INC., 30 NORTH AVENUE, CHARLESTOWN RI 02813. Rental fees are $50 per week per mooring in July and August or $25 per week per mooring in April, May, June, September and October. Mooring use may be extended beyond one week, as long as no other member has requested the mooring. Moorings can only be rented by QYC members in good standing. Contact John DeMarche at (413) 386-3994 or via email at jademarchejr@outlook.com to request an extension.
Complete the attached form for boats up to 30' in overall length. This is mooring number 102 located in the northwest section of the mooring field.
Complete the attached form for boats up to 22' in overall length. This is mooring number 301 also located in the northwest section of the mooring field, but close to the QYC dock.
QYC Guest Policy:
1) Whenever a member's guest or guests are on the QYC property, the member shall and must be present.
2) A member's guest or guests shall be allowed to use ALL QYC facilities, including, but not limited to, the clubhouse, parking lot, dock, and ramp.
3) All QYC members shall and must be respectful of one another and one another's guests.
Member Directory:
In accordance with QYC bylaws, every QYC member must be a member of the Quonochontaug East Beach Association (QEBA). Accordingly, QYC members should refer to the QEBA directory to obtain contact information for any member.
Feel free to submit your own news item or club suggestion here: